My husband, of course, is a Simpsons-quoting freak of the highest order. Put Ray in a crowd full of strangers, and within minutes he's managed to find a kindred soul (or three) who's spouting his or her favorite line. "Is it a crime to bet on sporting events?" "Guess who, fat boy!" "Lemonade? Pleeeeze."
For a few years, Krusty the Clown was his Halloween costume of choice. A few more inches and some green dye this year, and he wouldn't even need a wig. This year St. Baldricks, next year...Locks of Love? Ray's all about a good cause.
This is very entertaining, the next one should be Kramer....and another Halloween costume idea: MR. MAGOO!
ReplyDeleteI've got that feeling, like before you dive off the high dive, for you. I hope to be there. In the meantime, our donation mailed out today and in the immortal words of Homer, "Hmmmmm. Venus...."