Life's finally settling back in after the St. Baldrick's event last weekend. Spent the last week struggling with the occasional chilly head and some even chillier reactions.
I'm continually amazed how strangers assume I'm making some kind of statement. About what, I'm not sure. But I do know that the whole head-shaving experience has changed me in ways I didn't anticipate — and in some that I did.
One is the very visible reminder of the aging process — gray hair. Tough to do a touch-up when your hair's less than a 1/4" long. Also had a hilarious conversation with my 19-year-old niece in Macy's. I commented that every time I put on a head scarf, I felt like Rhoda. She asked, "Rhoda who?" I said, "You know, from the Mary Tyler Moore show?" Her response: "Mary who?"
Tomorrow, a major business test — sitting on an integrated marketing panel in front of 60+ inBiz Connection attendees. Want to come see my bald head and pick up some priceless marketing wisdom at the same time? Details here. And yes, I'll be looking just a bit different than the headshot!