The experience of being bald, as you can imagine, has been enlightening on a few levels.
Until now, I never appreciated the insulating properties of my hair. Not just physically, but also emotionally.
When we got home on Saturday night, I went into the bathroom to wash my face. When I flipped on the lights, I suddenly realized I could feel the heat from the vanity bulbs on my scalp. What a weird and unexpected sensation.
Sunday, another awakening as I paused in the shower for a good minute, debating whether stubble really needed even the most modest amount of shampoo and/or conditioner. And that first blast of water from the shower? Ouch.
Of course, the insulating power of hair — or its absence — manifested itself most importantly as we ventured out on Sunday morning to run errands. People had seen me without hair on Saturday night, so what was the big deal, right? But on Saturday, everyone at the Shillelagh Club knew EXACTLY why I was bald — no explanation necessary. It was a protected, friendly and supportive environment, even among strangers.
On Sunday, no such luck. I felt completely exposed — all eyes were on me every time I stepped out of the car. Whether real or perceived, I felt judged, pitied, and gawked at, all simultaneously. What a tremendous eye opener, and a tough sensation for someone who's spent her life trying to blend in, not stand out.
On the positive side, beautiful has replaced brave as the adjective of choice. I was even told I looked "badass" at the West Orange town picnic yesterday — awesome!
On the even more positive side, Ray & I are well on our way to exceeding the SIX THOUSAND DOLLAR mark in donations — all thanks to you. Our St. Baldrick's donation page will remain up for a while, so if you have yet to contribute to this eminently worthy cause, please consider doing so today.
Definitely badass! =)